
Mr. Snake!

Mr. Snake's been missing for a while. He's my outside friend. One day he stopped coming to play with me. Today, mommy told me that he was "kidnapped" by the kitty or raccoon but she found him. I don't know what that means but, but mommy said Mr. Snake likes me and he wanted to come play with me but he just couldn't. Whatever. Mommy said daddy will get him for me later and we can play again. Yay!


I wish they made sunglasses for puppies

There's not a lot of things I like more than being at the park with mommy. Well, perhaps being in the park with mommy and squirrels, and maybe geese! Either way, this is pretty great, although I'm getting a little warm.
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Not Disney Material

Mommy told me that I'm not Disney material. Sorry daddy. I tried.
